Our updated newsletter is available now for your reading pleasure!
Your health and well-being are important
If you're going through a tough time, you owe it to yourself to reach out for help. Morris County Collaborative was founded to provide resources for community members in Morris County, TX.
If you aren't sure where to turn, we're happy to help you find the resources you need. View our list of links below to get started. If you still have questions, feel free to reach out to us at 430-226-9100 X 3, we will return your call within 24 hours, or if you are experiencing an emergency, dial 911 first.
Meals on Wheels
Our agency contracts with meal providers who serve meals at senior centers around the nine counties and provide home delivered meals for the seniors who are unable to go to the meal sites. The address is 150 Alamo, Lone Star, Texas from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. You must be at least 60 years old to qualify. Morris County- Homebound: call 430-222-2031 for an interview. (Church On The Rock offers a hot meal on Thursdays if you call by Tuesday). The address is 909 Linda Drive, Daingerfield, TX.11 am to 12 Noon. atcog.org/senior-centers
Russ Powell: The Diabetes + Lifestyle Coach
Russender (Russ) is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist dedicated to improving lives holistically.
Learn more on her website and comprehensive blog below.
101 Orchard Circle, Naples, TX 7568 - Pastor- Steve Curtis
My Quiet Cave
101 Orchard Circle, Naples, TX 7568 - Pastor- Steve Curtis
Family And Youth Success (FAYS) Program - Community Healthcore
(formerly the S.T.A.R. Youth and Family Program)
Overall Goal: Our main goal is to keep families together by helping them deal with everyday struggles, teaching youth to overcome challenges, and helping them develop and succeed in healthy ways. We offer short-term prevention services for youth and their families free of charge.
Contact: Bobby Mangham, FAYS Program Director
Email: fays@communityhealthcore.com Phone: 903-753-9744
The Stages of Change: Addiction Recovery, Parenting with Purpose, and Life Skills. Thursday at 6 PM- 8 PM, 909 Linda Drive Daingerfield, TX- Director- Eula Turner, Director. Classes include the latest scientific advances in the Biology of addiction and sustainable recovery. Life Skills/Parenting class is a continuing lesson in hands-on, heart-felt, old fashioned family morals, balance a budget, pay bills, and worship God, honor the flag. Anger management. Questions:
Contact Eula Turner 940-634-1952
Tobacco/Vaping Related Resources Directory Youth-Friendly Prevention Programs/Sites
Say What!
This program is the youth tobacco prevention program for the entire state of Texas and offers numerous resources and trainings at no cost for school and community-based youth groups in 6-12 grade. The goal of the program is to provide a variety of youth- friendly items, educational trainings, downloadable PowerPoints, and infographics, etc. to help empower youth to educate their peers about the dangers of all tobacco products in their school and community.
• Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
This organization is the leading advocacy organization for the country working to reduce tobacco use and its deadly consequences. They offer a variety of downloadable resources, activities, and opportunities for youth to become involved in tobacco prevention.
• Truth Initiative
This organization is focused on sharing the truth about smoking, vaping and other nicotine products so young people can make the decision to choose to live their life nicotine-free. They offer a variety of research articles, videos, campaigns, and toolkits to engage with youth to educate their peers.
This website discusses the dangers associated with vapes and offers a variety of resources for parents, educators, and youth
Prevention – Curriculum/Education
• Stanford Medicine Tobacco Prevention Toolkit https://www.med.stanford.edu/tobaccopreventiontoolkit.html
Free, theory-based, and evidence-informed resources and curriculum created by educators, parents, and researchers for K-12 to reduce all tobacco use among youth. This can be implemented in the school and community setting.
• CATCH My Breath
Evidence-based nicotine vaping prevention program for 5-12 with different program options from free to $$$. This is implemented in the school setting.
• Say What! Training Modules
These training modules are easy to use and self-paced for youth and adults to complete on their own time. Each topic provides an in-depth look at tobacco prevention efforts, the tobacco industry, health effects of products, etc. through engaging educational videos, content, quick activities, and downloadable resources.
A program of UT MD Anderson Cancer Center that is focused on helping middle and high school students live tobacco-free. This is a free, bilingual, game-based educational program that students can complete on their own, outside of the classroom.
• Taking Down Tobacco
This is a comprehensive youth advocacy training program created by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids that is geared towards 6-12 grade students at the individual level to help youth create the skills they need to change their communities towards a tobacco and nicotine-free community.
Prevention – Educational Videos
• Spot the Vape Game
Test your skills! You’re about to see a table filled with vape products and everyday items. You have 20 seconds.
How many can you find?
• The DeNoble Files
This video series was created by Arizona STAND (http://www.standaz.com) in
collaboration with Dr. Victor DeNoble to highlight his addiction research.
Dr. Victor DeNoble, Ph.D. was recruited in the 1980's by Philip Morris to build a secret
research lab and to develop a “safer” cigarette. His research showed that nicotine has
addictive properties like other drugs of addiction. His congressional testimony was the
cornerstone for sweeping changes in public policy regarding tobacco use, the national
tobacco settlement and the events leading up to President Obama’s signing into law the
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act in 2009. Dr. DeNoble is also the
subject of the film documentary "Addiction Incorporated" released in 2011.
Educator/Parent-Related Resources
• Vaping & E-Cigarettes: A Toolkit for Working with Youth https://digitalmedia.hhs.gov/tobacco/print_materials/CTP-218?l… https://digitalmedia.hhs.gov/tobacco/hosted/Vaping-ECigarettes…
• Community Prevention Program
This is a program of the Texas School Safety Center and offers a variety of trainings and resources for schools and professionals working on tobacco, nicotine, and vaping prevention.
• Parents Against Vaping E-Cigarettes (PAVe) https://www.parentsagainstvaping.org
This program provides numerous articles, videos, tips, and resources on how parents can serve as advocates by educating and protecting their children from vaping.
FDA’s toolkit for professionals working with youth provides stakeholders with the
information needed to help educate communities about e-cigarettes their effects on
• FDA https://www.fda.gov/tobacco-products/public-health-education/t… resources-parents-and-teachers
The FDA has several resources, tips, and videos for parents and educators to help them discuss concerns with all tobacco products.
• Scholastic – The Real Cost of Vaping https://www.scholastic.com/youthvapingrisks/index.html
The FDA has partnered with Scholastic to provide educators free lesson plans, activities, and more for 6-12 grade classrooms. Lesson plans and resources are also available in Spanish.
Flyers, videos, and other resources are available for both parents and educators.
• CATCH My Breath Parent and Community Vaping Prevention Toolkit https://www.bevapefree.org/parents-and-community https://catch.org/rct-cmb-toolkit/#
Parents and guardians play a critical role in influencing a child’s decision-making. The Parent and Community Toolkit is created for use at Parent Nights, Back-to-School Nights, PTA/PTO meetings, and other community events to share the facts about the dangers of vaping. The toolkit includes tools to help guide the conversation and ignite discussion on how to help schools and communities become vape-free.
Interventions/Alternatives to Suspension
The American Lung Association offers an alternative to suspension or citation for infractions of school tobacco-free policies. This is an interactive program that teaches students about nicotine dependence, establishing healthy alternatives and how to kick the unhealthy addiction that got them in trouble in the first place.
N-O-T (Not on Tobacco) Youth Cessation Facilitator Training
N-O-T is an evidence-based approach to help youth ages 14-19 quit or reduce their
tobacco use, including e-cigarettes. This facilitator training course consists of three
INDEPTH modules and six N-O-T modules. Upon completion, the trainee will receive a 3-
year certification and access to the N-O-T facilitator guide, participant workbook, and
additional program resources to implement in a school or community setting.
Note: this training program does require a purchase fee.
• MY Healthy Future Course: A free course for students caught vaping or thinking about going vape-free. https://med.stanford.edu/tobaccopreventiontoolkit/curriculum-d… maker/HealthyFutures/MYHealthyFutureCourse.html
ACT to Address Youth Cessation
The American Lung Association’s ACT to Address Youth Cessation training is a one hour
online course that provides an overview for healthcare professionals, school personnel
and community members in the steps to Act, Counsel, Treat, and provides guidance,
support and best practices for effectively delivering ACT as a brief intervention for youth
who are using all tobacco products.
The “MY Healthy Future: A Self-Paced Online Course” is an Alternative-to-Suspension
(ATS) program created by the Stanford REACH Lab. This course is for any student caught
using tobacco/vaping on school campus, or anyone working with students who want to
quit. This online, self-paced course can be completed independently by students in 40-
60 minutes.
Youth Cessation Resources
• This Is Quitting https://www.mdanderson.org/research/departments-labs-institute… centers/endtobacco-program/tobacco-cessation.html
This is a program of the Truth Initiative. UT MD Anderson Cancer Center has partnered with Truth to provide this cessation program for free to the youth of Texas. Youth can text VAPEFREETX to 88709 to receive free, anonymous 24/7 support to help them quit vaping or using tobacco. You can request posters and other materials by visiting their website.
• YesQuit
1-877-YES-QUIT (1-877-937-7848)
The Texas Department of State Health Services has a free 24/7 quitline that youth can call into to receive anonymous support. Services are available in English and Spanish.
• Smokefree Teen
This site offers tools and tips to help youth quit vaping, cigarettes, and dip. Youth can enroll in their free text message program as well as follow them on Instagram.
School Policy
• Public Health Law Center – Mitchel Hamline School of Law https://www.publichealthlawcenter.org/sites/default/files/reso… Tobacco-Free-K-12-School-Model-Policy-2019.pdf
To reduce youth tobacco use within school settings, the Mitchell Hamline School of Law in Minnesota has researched best practices for tobacco-free school policies and has created several resources and policy guides for schools.
Websites, Resources and Contacts for Training, Webinars and Teens - All FREE!
Home (www.txsaywhat.com)
B.U.D.D.Y- Brothers, Uncles, Dads, Developing Youth- Mentoring Youth-
Richard Lee-903-241-5478 Youth Support Groups
PADREs (Parenting Awareness & Drug Risks Education services) program
(Was PPI)
Joyce Weiss- 903-212-4679 joyce.weiss@wellnesspointe.org Youth SUD
P.A.R.T.S- Parent and Adolescent Recovery Treatment
Works with children 12-17 who suffer from substance use disorders. This program is a no cost comprehensive treatment for early intervention with short-term services. Rmunoz@shrt.net
Contact information as Rachel Munoz 903-234-0936 ext. 7838 Website link: https://parts.specialhealth.org/ Youth SUD
Premarital and Marriage Counseling
- Naples Church of Christ- 303 Main St. Naples, TX 75568 Pastor Steve Curtis, member of the American Association of Christian Counselors, certified in Prepare/Enrich and SYMBIS pre-marital and marital inventories.
720-371-1269 - Curtis.sf@gmail.com
Community Support Groups
SAFE-T Agency Family Violence Center- Morris, Titus, Camp, Franklin, Hopkins
Safe-T’s mission is to foster an environment where violence and abuse are not tolerated in the communities we serve. We believe that abuse diminishes the full expression of life and growth that is every person’s right. We have a shelter for family violence. Phone: 903-572-0973 24 Hr. Hot Line 903-575-9999
www.safe-tagency.com Family Violence and Shelter
Disability Rights Texas
-Kerri Carr, Outreach Mgr- kcarr@drtx.org.- 512-407-2752 Disability Right www.dps.texas.gov/.../crime-victim-services-program Texas is the protection and advocacy organization for People with Disabilities in Texas.
website is www.drtx.org
DSHS -Texas Department of State Health Services- https://www.texas.gov/health-services/
Mt. Pleasant- Rusti Fagg - Nurse Manager - Provides immunizations for children who are not insured or underinsured.
Medical Social Services
Annah Rundle, LBSW, MSW- Provides case management services through the Department of State Health Services for individuals under 21 with Special Needs, IDD, and Special Health Care needs. Case load also includes pregnant women, high risk pregnancies, and case management services for individuals any age with cystic fibrosis. Can help families and individuals find resources, find different programs that might work for them, and provide overall support. Although clients in the main caseload covered by Medicaid, individuals in need of medical, dental, educational, vocational, and social services. Annah currently covers Titus, Morris, Franklin, and Camp County in the 4/5 North Region. 1014 N Jefferson, Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455
Expectant Heart Pregnancy
Resource Center
Appt Only 501 © 3 non-profit, faith-based organization designed to provide practical assistance to men and women in unplanned pregnancy. On-going support for expecting parents and parents with children up to 36 months. Longview 903-931-3124m Mt. Pleasant 903-434-3300 Open Tues and Th 9-5. Fri 9-3 PM. Currently in Daingerfield by Appt. only. - Daingerfield, Brandice Williams, Representative
info@expectantheart.org 903-717-7077.
Guardians Of the Children
Sulphur River Chapter
The mission of the Guardians of the Children (GOC) is to recognize, and react to child abuse and educate the public to do the same; to serve as advocates to provide strength and stability to families in crisis; and be an answer to the prayer of an abused child or teen for courage, support and protection.
For more information or to make a referral, contact: Ms. Sweets, Child Liaison/Secretary- 903-951-3062
21st Century (BLAST) After School Program DLSISD (ACE)-
South Elementary Grades 3-5 and, Jr. High Grades 6-8 from 3:30-6 PM. There is also a morning program that begins at 7 a.m. and the parents must bring them. Their program provides academic activities including homework, tutorials, and STARR preparation. It also includes
Terre Gaston Program Director 903-796-4194 ext. 1013. Facebook: Daingerfield Lone Star: BLAST-ACE@dlsisdblast
CASA of Titus, Camp and Morris Counties (CASA of TCM)
CASA of Titus, Camp and Morris Counties (CASA) is a non-profit volunteer-based organizations that trains citizens to give abused and neglected a voice that are removed from their families and placed in foster care. CASA volunteers advocate for the best interest of children medically, educationally, and physically. CASA volunteers are sometimes the only consistent person in a child's life during this very traumatic experience. Contact: Krystal Hosmer, Executive Director 903-717-1277 office casatcm.org
Community Services of NET, INC
Michelle Morehead, Assistant Executive Director, 304 East Houston, Linden, Texas 75563 michelle.morehead@csntexas.org
Sheryl Alden- 903-717-7400
Serves Bowie, Camp, Cass, Delta, Franklin, Hopkins, Lamar, Marion, Morris, Rains, Red River, and Titus Counties. Assists with housing & utilities. They also provide case management, and head start. They are a Community Action Partnership.
Community Resource Coordinated Group
connect people with complex needs to services in their community and across Texas. CRCGs and the Texas System of Care work with communities to break down barriers, identify service gaps and find ways to improve service delivery systems for children, youth and families. Ebony Roney- 903-577-6737 eroney_jpo@yahoo.com crcg.hhs.texas.gov Community Support Groups
CRCG- Community Resource Coordinated Group- connect people with complex needs to services in their community and across Texas. CRCGs and the Texas System of Care work with communities to break down barriers, identify service gaps and find ways to improve service delivery systems for children, youth and families. Ebony Roney- 903-577-6737
eroney_jpo@yahoo.com crcg.hhs.texas.gov Community Support Groups
CRCG- Community Resource Coordinated Group- connect people with complex needs to services in their community and across Texas. CRCGs and the Texas System of Care work with communities to break down barriers, identify service gaps and find ways to improve service delivery systems for children, youth and families. Ebony Roney- 903-577-6737 eroney_jpo@yahoo.com crcg.hhs.texas.gov Community Support Groups
Crime Victims
Texas Department of Public Services Victim and Employee Support Services provides state mandated victim assistance to primary and secondary victims and the victim’s family. 16 Behavioral Health Professionals initiates crisis intervention during or shortly after a crime has occurred. DPS Victim Services is a comprehensive system of services that is victim centered, designed to help victims navigate the criminal justice process, afford victims their legal rights and make their overall participation less intimidating and burdensome. Our goal is to reduce the impact of crime and trauma on the citizens of Texas by timely crisis counseling, education, advocacy, referral and other assistance as needed. Crisis Counseling/Mental Health Education, Advocacy, and Referral
Mt. Pleasant Crime Victims- Melissa Horton, Victim Services Coordinator with the Mount Pleasant Police Department, is available to assist Mount Pleasant and Titus County victims and their families of violent crime. Melissa aids victims who may have suffered physical injuries or trauma as a result of a violent crime. Our advocate works with victims of family violence sexual assault, robbery, assault, traffic crimes and families of homicide victims. Our goal is to help empower victims to re-establish their lives and lessen the negative impact of the emotional, physical, psychological or financial trauma that many may experience.
Mt. Pleasant contact needs more Contact: Melissa Horton 903-575-4186, mhorton@mpcity.org.
Overall Goal: To develop and maintain competent foster and adoptive parents who are able and willing to provide a safe, nurturing home environment temporarily or permanently for children who have been subjected to abuse or neglect Contact: Skye Vetter-Hayes- Foster/Adoptive Development Worker 324 Yapaco Street, Gilmer, TX 75644 903-204-9697 Skye.vetterhayes@dfps.state.tx.us
Workforce Solutions- Mt. Pleasant- Virginia Pryor- 312 N Riddle Mt. Pleasant, TX
903-572-9841 virginia.pryor@netxworks.org
Students Hire-Ability Navigator for Workforce Solutions of Northeast Texas
Contact: Whitney Yarber, 1702 Hampton Road, Texarkana, Texas 903-490-2169.
Works with high schools, employers, and the community, in nine counties, including Morris County. The purpose is to raise awareness of resources and activities available to students with disabilities. They help increase community coordination and provide information, training, and technical assistance. They engage employers to increase understanding and develop work based learning opportunities. They work in conjunction with Texas Workforce Vocational Rehab helping students with disabilities prepare for transitioning from school to adult life, employment, and independence.
The agency also contracts with the Transportation Department at Ark-Tex Council of Governments to provide transportation to meal sites, doctor appointments, et cetera. The agency will assist in finding resources for seniors when we are unable to assist. Mark Compton- 903-255-3569
This is a program that reduces your energy consumption by making your home more energy efficient.
If you are 62 years old or older you may obtain a grant up to $7500 for repairs and/or a loan up to $20,000 for 1% interest